Council Members of St Gregory’s Society recommended a Novena of Prayer for Vocations at Downside during the recent AGM.
The days immediately before the Feast of Pentecost are traditionally a time when novenas of prayer take place and with this in mind it has been decided that the Novena should run from Friday 6th May to Saturday 14th May inclusive. All taking part in this novena of prayer should do one of the following spiritual exercises every day:
- Mass
- decade of the rosary
- one of the Offices from the Prayer of the Church (go to
- one of the readings for mass (go to
This should be concluded by saying the Downside Prayer –
Almighty Father,
by the power of your Holy Spirit,
grant that the whole Downside Community
may grow and prosper in its devotion to you,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
St Benedict, pray for us.
St Gregory the Great, pray for us.