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The sacramental life is centred around the Sunday Mass in the Abbey Church with pupils taking an active part as the choir, servers, readers and welcome ministers. All have the opportunity of receiving the other sacraments, and those who wish are prepared for the sacraments of Baptism, Confession, Confirmation and Holy Communion. Each sacrament is a personal encounter with Christ: The Light of Christ in our hearts is re-ignited to give us the strength and hope we need in the daily round of life with its challenges.

Holy Mass is celebrated each Sunday at 10am in the Abbey Church, enhanced by choral music and our large team of altar servers. Pupils can assist at the altar from the fourth form up, starting as torch bearers and progressing to thurifer in the Upper Sixth Form. Regular weekday Masses are celebrated in the Old Chapel on Tuesdays and Fridays, and there are termly House Masses.

Reconciliation services are celebrated with each house once a term. The priest chaplain regularly visits houses for evening assembly and is available to celebrate the sacrament of penance on request.

First Holy Communion classes are held during the Lent and Summer terms, in preparation for receiving Holy Communion on Corpus Christi Sunday during the Summer term.

Confirmation preparation for those in third form and above is given with other candidates from the same year. The bishop comes early in the summer term to administer the sacrament at an evening Mass in the Abbey Church.

A few pupils wish to receive the sacrament of Baptism each year, choosing to become members of the Church.


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