Caverel House

Caverel is a boarding and day house for girls aged 13 to 18. Younger girls share four-bed rooms or two-bed rooms, Fifth and Sixth Form girls (Years 11, 12 and 13) have their own study bedrooms.
Caverel House is named after Abbot Philip de Caverel. Born in 1555, he became Abbot of St Vedast’s at Arras in Normandy and later provided the monastic community with its first home at Douai.
House Colours: Green & White
Caverel continues the Benedictine value of welcome that its namesake valued so highly. It is a warm house that revolves around a spiral staircase which the girls quickly learn to slide down as a rite of passage! Our many common and study areas invite sociability across the year groups, and this has been one of the defining characteristics of the House.
Caverel House, historically adjoining Barlow House, and is one of the oldest Houses in the school. Its current building is distinguishable by the spiral staircase and the many social areas on the landings which help to provide the heart of our communal home. Philip de Caverel was one of the founding members of the Downside community in Douai and was known for his welcome – something that is still important to Caverel House and the girls who reside here.
The House comes together not only in our twice daily assemblies, but in activities and events. From weekend crafts (crochet is the current craze!) and baking to ice skating trips and pottery painting, there is always something on offer. Previous outings have included Locked In and Zaza Bazaar; theatre trips and pantomime; kayaking, clay pigeon shooting, Bath Skyline walks, orienteering and Lazer Quest. Every Saturday night the House comes together for ‘Feast’ which ranges from deli platters to ice cream cones. Our House parties are the most enjoyable House events – run by the prefects and involving games, forfeits, food and music – they are always lively and loud!
What the Caverel girls say:
“The House is a welcoming and comforting place where you can feel included and part of a large family.” Isabelle 3F
“My favourite thing is watching Disney movies at the weekend on Mariana’s bed.” Harriet 3F
“It’s the people we live with that make Caverel so special. It is a place full of people of different cultures and interests, a safe place where we get to live with our closest friends.” U6
“What makes Caverel special is everyone wants to get involved and work together and spend time together.” 4F
“It’s cosy and homely”
“I like it that the older girls support and help the younger girls.” L6
“The House parents are very caring”
“The day girls are as much a part of the House as the boarders, we don’t feel any different.”
Our tutors are here to help academically support particular girls in the House, but they also take part in prep duties, supporting the girls, getting to know them, giving advice and help and getting stuck into House events. They also take a trip out with their tutees every year and are vital in supporting the retreats and the spiritual life of the House.
Our Houseparents are multi-talented and support the girls from being a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen. They help with the domestic life of the House, keeping everyone in the right place with their House diaries and organising travel. It is difficult to define what they do as they will always go above and beyond to help the girls with any issue or just have a chat and a cup of tea. Our cleaning staff are also part of our team, and they support the girls and care for them in their every day jobs.
House Charity:
Caverel has chosen ‘Against Breast Cancer’ as our House Charity and have undertaken a series of fund-raising activities to support, and raise awareness, of this incredible charity.
Ms Anna McGarry
House Mistress
01761 235321