Commercial Enterprises

At Downside, we are committed to providing an environment which nurtures young people through education, exploration and challenge.
Throughout the year, we are delighted to work in partnership with you to enjoy our fabulous school, whether that be to host your business meetings, your swim school or for your County Cricket training – and of course much more.
The Commercial Enterprises department is purely focused on supporting you before and during your time at the school.
We very much look forward to working with you.
Click here for our upcoming events
Director of Commercial Enterprises
01761 235100
Commercial Enterprises Manager
01761 235100 ext 339
I just wanted to let you know that I have been getting some great feedback from our coaches and umpires about the quality of the pitches at Downside School this summer, so thank you and to your team for all your hard work so far!Somerset County Cricket
In accordance with KCSIE (Keeping Children Safe in Education) 2024, it is a requirement for us to see your safeguarding policy and provisions that you put in place for checking your staff, their DBS checks and any training they undertake. We will need to have sight of this information before approving bookings.
Where governing bodies or proprietors hire or rent out school or college facilities/premises to organisations or individuals (for example to community groups, sports associations, and service providers to run community or extracurricular activities) they should ensure that appropriate arrangements are in place to keep children safe.
When services or activities are provided by the governing body or proprietor, under the direct supervision or management of their school or college staff, their arrangements for child protection will apply. However, where services or activities are provided separately by another body this is not necessarily the case. The governing body or proprietor should therefore seek assurance that the provider concerned has appropriate safeguarding and child protection policies and procedures in place (including inspecting these as needed); and ensure that there are arrangements in place for the provider to liaise with the school or college on these matters where appropriate. This applies regardless of whether or not the children who attend any of these services or activities are children on the school roll or attend the college. The governing body or proprietor should also ensure safeguarding requirements are included in any transfer of control agreement (i.e. lease or hire agreement), as a condition of use and occupation of the premises; and that failure to comply with this would lead to termination of the agreement. The guidance on Keeping children safe in out-of-schools settings details the safeguarding arrangements that schools and colleges should expect these providers to have in place.
- Downside School, located in Somerset, is a prestigious educational institution that offers its facilities for external events and activities. These terms and conditions are designed to ensure the safety, security, and proper management of the school’s premises during such events.
- Hiree: The individual or organisation that has entered into an agreement with Downside School for the use of its facilities.
- School: Downside School, including its buildings, facilities, and grounds.
- Safeguarding Leaflet: A document provided by Downside School outlining the policies and procedures for safeguarding and child protection.
- Downside Representative: The designated contact person at Downside School for matters related to the hire agreement.
- Premises: All areas within the boundaries of Downside School that are available for hire under this agreement.
- KCSIE: Keeping Children Safe in Education, statutory guidance issued by the Department for Education in 2024.
- Fire Alarm Point: A designated location within the premises where a fire alarm can be activated manually.
- Reception: The main reception area of Downside School where visitors are required to report upon arrival.
- Downside School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and visitors to share this commitment. When services or activities taking place on school premises are provided under the direct supervision or management of school staff, the school’s own safeguarding policy will apply in relation to any safeguarding concerns or allegations. All hirees must read Downside’s safeguarding leaflet in conjunction with this guidance.
- It is a condition of hire that all hirees follow the School’s safeguarding and Child Protection policy in line with the statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE 2023). Failure to comply with these requirements will lead to termination of the hire agreement.
- Where services or activities are not under the direct supervision or management of the school, the school is required to seek assurances that the individual organisation has appropriate safeguarding and child protection policies in place.
- All visitors to the main site must comply with all security procedures currently operated by Downside.
- All hires must report to reception, unless told otherwise by Downside School. Visitors will be issued with a visitor’s pass by the organisation which must be displayed at all times whilst on-site unless your sporting activity deems this unsafe.
- All hirees must sign or check in and out of the premises or site at the agreed security point, unless told otherwise by Downside School.
- No hiree is permitted to enter areas of the site, other than those for which the hiree agreement has been made.
- All hiree equipment must be removed or stored in agreed areas.
Fire Alarm and Fire-Fighting Equipment
- Do not remove or obstruct fire extinguishing equipment or other emergency equipment.
- All hirees should ensure they are appropriately trained in the fire evacuation procedure for the area in which they are working. For details of the appropriate protocol, please liaise with your Downside representative.
Action on Discovering a Fire
- Break the glass of the nearest fire alarm point.
- Inform reception or the nearest member of Downside personnel of the location and the extent of the fire.
- Tackle the fire with the equipment provided, only if it is safe to do so and only if you have been trained in the use of the fire-fighting equipment.
- Leave the building by the nearest available fire exit.
- Assemble in the designated area – unless you are notified differently, this will generally be the main car park (the Quad)
Action on Hearing the Fire Alarm
- Leave the building by the nearest available fire exit.
- Assemble in the designated area – unless you are notified differently, this will generally be the main car park (the Quad).
- Do not use the lifts.
- Do not return for personal belongings and tools.
- Do not return to the building for any reason until authorised to do so.
- Health and safety is everyone’s responsibility. Please ensure that you have been given adequate training for the duties you will be carrying out. If you do not feel you have had this training please inform your Downside representative.
Ensure that you follow the risk assessments in place for your activity. Please pay particular attention to the following rules:
Hired Area
- Stay in your designated area and carry out activities agreed in the hire agreement and covered by your submitted risk assessment.
- Do not enter any area marked “HAZARDOUS AREA” unless fully authorized to do so.
- Inspect the area for potential hazards at the start and finish of every session and report any findings to your Downside contact.
- Do not remove any existing guards, barriers or locks without express permission.
- Do not use makeshift equipment.
- Do not climb upon any structure unless authorised to do so.
- Transport equipment in a safe manner along agreed routes.
- Do not enter machinery enclosures.
- Do not leave equipment in a dangerous condition and unguarded.
- Wear personal protective equipment if it is required for the tasks to be undertaken.
- Housekeeping
- Keep all aisles, corridors, access and exits clear. Do not block fire exits.
- Do not allow rubbish to accumulate. Rubbish is to be properly bagged prior to removal from the site.
- Obey all signs.
Accidents and First Aid
- Remember to report all accidents, near misses and hazards to your Downside Representative.
The hiree is to treat the organisation’s buildings, facilities and furniture with respect and should observe the following guidelines:
- Downside is a NO SMOKING site. For the avoidance of doubt, this includes vaping devices.
Eating and Drinking
- Food is not to be consumed on fields of play, the theatre or on any sports facilities.
Photography and Cameras
- Photography or cameras are not permitted on the organisation’s premises without the express authority of the Downside School representative.
Parking and Speed Limits
- Car parking must only be in the designated area notified to you. There is a 5mph speed limit on-site at all times.
- Downside School reserves the right to cancel any letting within 72 hours of its start date. In such cases, a full refund will be issued to the hirer.
- To cancel a letting, the hirer must provide written notice to at least 48 hours before the letting’s start date as indicated on the booking form.
- If notice is given at least 48 hours prior to the start date, a full refund will be provided.
- No refund will be issued if cancellation occurs within 48 hours of the letting.
- In extenuating circumstances, such as adverse weather conditions, where short notice cancellation is required, a decision regarding a refund will be made by the Commercial Enterprises Manager.
- The hiree is to ensure the good conduct of their users during the occupancy of the site.
- All hirees are to behave in a responsible manner at all times. Profane or insulting language is strictly prohibited.
Dress Code
- All hirees must be dressed appropriately for the activity they are undertaking and in accordance with Downside’s School environment.
Alcohol and Drugs
- Hirees are not permitted to bring alcohol or drugs onto site or to come on to site whilst under the influence of either.
- The hiree is to abide by the terms of the confidentiality agreement set out below.
Confidentiality Agreement
- All hirees confirm that during their hire they will observe the strictest confidentiality regarding all matters that may come to their notice concerning the affairs, interests or transactions of Downside School and will undertake not to divulge any such matters unless properly authorised to do so.
- Downside School organises multiple courses and activities including residential camps for children aged 18 months to 17 years throughout the year.
- Parents/guardians can book a Course or Activity for their child for the period specified within the information advertised on
The following definitions apply in this agreement.
- Definitions:
Booking Form
The booking form to be used by parents/guardians to book a place for their child on a Course.
The cancellation of the child’s place on the Course which occurs after submission of the application form and before the start of the Course or Activity the date on which the child arrives at the school.
The Courses and Activities as advertised on and delivered by Downside to the child in accordance with these terms and conditions.
Course Fees
The fees applicable to the Course or Activity as shown in the Booking Form. Course Fees include the items stated with the course programme unless stated otherwise.
Course Manager
The manager of the Course as appointed by the Director.
Designated Safeguarding Lead / DSL
The designated safeguarding lead or in their absence the deputy designated safeguarding lead of Downside.
The Director of Admissions, Marketing and Commercial Enterprises as appointed by the Governing Body of Downside.
Lights Out
The designated bedtime when lights should be switched off by Course attendees and as dictated by the Course Lead.
Downside School
Downside School, a charitable company incorporated by guarantee with company number 11751009 and charity number 1184700, and having its registered office at Downside School, Stratton-on-the-Fosse, Radstock, BA3 4RJ, being the provider of the Course.
Parent or You
Parent or legal guardian of the child.
The child named on the Booking Form submitted by the Parent.
- To book a place on a Course the Parent of a prospective child must complete in full and submit a Booking Form. The Parent understands that a place on a Course is subject to availability and Downside being able to meet the needs of the child during the Course and confirmation of the place by Downside.
- Shortly after submitting your application an e-mail will be sent including a link to our course guides which contain important information. Please inform us of any changes to your e-mail address after submitting an application form.
- A legally binding contract between the Parent and Downside for the provision of the Course to the child will be formed on the basis of these terms and conditions and the completed Booking Form when Downside confirms the child’s place on the Course.
- Downside will confirm the child’s place on the Course if a place is available and after the Parent has fully completed the Booking Form including the Medical Information, Additional Educational Needs and Dietary Requirements section of the Form and has paid the course fee if applicable as shown on the Booking Form.
- If a Course is full, names will be added to a waiting list on a first come, first served basis. Please note that this does not guarantee a place on the course. You will be contacted prior to the course if a place becomes available.
- The dates of the Course are set out in the Booking Form.
- Once the Course has started the child shall not be permitted to change course.
- Downside School reserves the right to cancel the course within 7 days of its start date. In such an event, a full refund will be issued.
- To cancel a child’s enrolment, written notice must be sent to within 5 working days before the course’s start date as indicated on the booking form.
- If notice is given at least 5 working days prior to the start date, a full refund will be provided.
- No refund will be given if cancellation is made less than 5 working days before the start date.
- Once the child’s place on the Course is confirmed the Course Fees will be payable before the date specified by Downside on confirmation. If payment is not made in full before the date specified, Downside shall immediately terminate this agreement. If you have a query relating to the Course Fees, they must be paid full by the specified date. Downside and You shall co-operate in good faith to resolve the query.
- Any payment to Downside must be made in Sterling and in full as cleared funds, by debit card or credit card or adding to the Downside School Bill (Downside students only).
- In the event of circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Downside it reserves the right to vary the Course Fees to an extent that reflects such circumstances. Downside will endeavour to provide the Parent with as much notice of a variation in Course Fees as is reasonable in the circumstances.
Downside shall:
- Organise the Course and its delivery in a way which, in the professional judgement of the Director, is most appropriate to the Course as a whole and as may be required to make changes or provide alternative substitutes, at any time on notice to the Parent;
- Exercise reasonable care and skill in providing education services and care to the child during the Course. Downside cannot accept any responsibility for the welfare of the child while off its premises unless he or she is taking part in a Course activity or otherwise under the direct supervision of a member of staff;
- Maintain those insurances as required by law;
- Make reasonable attempts to contact you if the child requires urgent medical attention while in the care of Downside. If after reasonable attempts Downside is unable to contact You, You consent to the Director or other member of staff authorised by the Director to consent on your behalf to the Student receiving emergency medical treatment where certified by an appropriately qualified person as necessary for the child’s welfare.
The Parent shall:
- Pay the Course Fees and any other fees, charges and costs by the date specified by Downside;
- Ensure that You have read the course guide, a link is provided on the booking form.
- Ensure age-appropriate restrictions are in place on any mobile device their Child brings with them on the Course.
Ensure that the Child knows that they must:
- Behave responsibly and with consideration to others;
- Abide by the Course rules and policies and the consequences for failing to do so;
- Follow reasonable instructions given by staff or by the staff of any establishment visited (including accommodation providers) or by any activity instructors;
- Seek permission from staff and any other participants involved if they wish to take photographs and videos on personal devices during the courses;
- Under no circumstances take any photos and videos in any toilets or changing facilities;
- Observe and respect the laws and rules of England;
- If a Residential Course, maintain their accommodation in a clean and tidy state throughout the Course and, at the end of the Course, leave accommodation in the same condition of cleanliness, tidiness and repair as on the date immediately prior to the commencement of the Course (fair wear and tear excluded);
- If under the age of 12 years and attending a Residential Course, at Lights Out, hand their Phone or Mobile device to a member of staff who will store this in a safe location until the morning. Objections to this policy will be respected – please make these in writing to no later than 72 hours before the course start date.
- Provide the Child with the required kit and equipment for participation in the Course as set out in the Course guide provided by Downside in advance of the Course. For Residential participants, bed linen is provided but participants should bring their own towels and toiletries.
- Complete the Medical Information, Additional Educational Needs and Dietary Requirements for the Child when completing the Booking Form. The purpose of these questions is to provide the School with information about the Child’s health and any medical conditions to assist Downside with any reasonable adjustments required to meet their needs while participating in the Course.
- Comply with Downside’s health centre or the Designated Safeguarding Lead’s recommendations which may include a reasonable decision to send a Child home at the Parent’s expense if he/she is unwell and unable to continue the Course.
- Course participants are strongly advised to take out accident/curtailment insurance. First aid cover is available throughout the course and minor analgesics (paracetamol) may be dispensed. By agreeing to these terms you are giving consent for this treatment if required unless written objection is received in advance. For any treatment that cannot be administered on-site, parents/guardians would be responsible for collecting their child and making further arrangements with a local surgery or hospital if required unless the need for treatment is considered to be a medical emergency.
- Ensure that You and the Child are aware of UK Government guidance relating to, or in connection with, the Covid-19 pandemic and that the Child adheres to such guidance.
- Ensure that the child has the correct immigration permission to enter the United Kingdom to participate in the Course.
Interested in letting a facility at Downside?
Contact us here