Our aim is to make Science an interesting and accessible subject which inspires each pupil to develop their academic skills, creativity and intellectual curiosity. Our approach develops resilience, risk-taking and uses the scientific method to test and develop pupils’ own ideas.
All lessons are taught in fully equipped science laboratories by a team of dedicated specialist science teachers. An overarching practical skills strategy ensures all pupils experience investigative science and a strong emphasis is placed on making science a dynamic and interactive learning experience.
As well as providing an intellectually rigorous model to understand the physical universe, our teaching highlights applications of science in the fields of technology and medicine and a balanced view of the impact of science on the wider world. Academic studies are supported by co-curricular activities, trips and a wide variety of competitions. We offer a diverse curriculum, aiming for every child to develop their understanding of scientific principle but also achieve the best possible result in either Combined Science, or the Separate Sciences. Examination results are consistently excellent at GCSE and A level, and pupils go on to read diverse science related subjects including medicine and veterinary medicine at high-ranking universities.
Head of Science
Scientists have become the bearers of the torch of discovery in our quest for knowledge.Professor Stephen Hawking