Procedures for visitors
Downside takes the following steps to ensure that its premises are secure:
1. All Staff and Volunteers (recruited in accordance with Safer Recruitment Procedures) wear identity badges at all times.*1
2. ‘Visitors’ includes all persons arriving on the School site, who are not trustees, governors, members of staff, volunteers (for whom there are separate arrangements), or pupils of the School.
3. All Visitors must report to Reception in the Old House of the Main Quad.*2 (Reception is staffed on weekdays between 8am and 6pm and on Saturdays between 8.30am and 2.30pm)
4. Visitors must display the visitor’s badge given, and must sign the visitors’ book in Reception.
5. Visitor’s badges must be returned to Reception just before departure.
6. Visitors must be accompanied by a member of staff at all times.*3
Boarding Houses:
The Boarding Houses are normally closed to visitors. However, parents visiting their own children in their Boarding House may do so after checking in with a member of the House staff, and signing the House visitors’ book.
Parents are advised to contact the House to inform the House staff of the time they are arriving.
*1 Coloured lanyards are as follows:
1) Parents visiting their children in Caverel, Barlow or Isabella Houses, and who are not entering the Main School buildings. Parents visiting these Houses must report directly on arrival to the House staff on duty in the House at the time.
2) Parents visiting their children outside the hours when reception is staffed. Parents are advised to contact the House to inform the House staff of the time they are arriving.
3) Visitors to the Sports Hall or Swimming Pool for an external club or county event.
• Visitors should make their way to the Sports Centre/Swimming Pool via the path from the Main School Quad.
• Sign the register on arrival at the Sports Centre/Swimming Pool.
• Remain in the area designated for the activity you are attending or, if by agreement with the activity organiser you are leaving a child at the activity, you must leave the site and return to pick up the child at the agreed time.
*3 The exception to this is prospective parent visits who are given a school tour by a senior pupil (Sixth Form). These pupils are briefed by the admissions team. During examination periods or under special circumstances junior pupils may be asked to take a tour. They will normally be in pairs on these occasions.
It is also recognised that there are certain times when parents and other visitors will enter the School without having to wear badges e.g. Match teas, concerts, plays and other such events. On these occasions visitors should remain in the area in which the event is taking place.
It is also important to remember that at the start and end of term and at exeats parents/guardians can often be present on site without having to sign in and wear a badge, as they drop off or pick up pupils. Staff and volunteers are asked to be sensitive and polite in questioning those without badges to ascertain who they are and their reason for being on the School site. Concerns should be reported to a member of the SLT.
Pupils are advised never to pass on the school or house entry codes to visitors and, whilst being at all times courteous, they are asked not to allow admittance to people who do not have a school identity badge or are unaccompanied. They should direct such visitors to reception or to a member of staff. If they are at all concerned about an unidentified stranger on the school site, they should report the matter to a member of staff immediately.
Protocol for visitors to the monastery guest wing
Though they are geographically next to each other, the School and the Monastery occupy separate areas and are distinct from one another. Visitors may not enter any part of the School or School grounds.
Visitors to the monastery will only be allowed on School premises if they have legitimate business with the School and comply with the School’s visitor protocol.