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Do take time to watch this new film showcasing life and personal insights into Sixth Form here at Downside.

Sixth Form pupils were recently interviewed about their experience of life at Downside which includes their views on faith, A levels, staff, co-curricular commitments, boarding life, being a day pupil, their favourite meals, sporting opportunities, what inspires them, what they will miss, and what three words they would choose to describe Downside.

New sixth form centre – opened september 2024

In our drone footage, you can see where the centre is located in the heart of our School, above the Weld Café. click here to see the footage

The completely new Sixth Form Centre encompasses areas for studying, eating and relaxing. 

I firmly believe that the start of the Sixth Form is one of the most exciting points in your education; it is the first time that it is you who decides what you are going to study, the first time that you really have control of what you are doing.

As you embark on your Sixth Form studies, you will also notice a shift in the teacher-pupil relationship, with lessons being much more of a collaborative effort between teachers and pupils, where your voice counts that much more. With these changes come greater responsibilities, of course, particularly in terms of developing your independence where study is concerned; you have to learn to manage your time and work effectively and to seek out opportunities to deepen and broaden your academic knowledge and skills. You are, of course, fully supported in developing the skills you need for success in the Sixth Form and beyond.

The Sixth Form PSHEE programme begins in the Lower Sixth with sessions on study skills that will help you develop learning habits that will be essential both in the Sixth Form and in Higher Education. You will also be assigned to one of a team of specialist and experienced Sixth Form tutors who will help you avoid the potential pitfalls that come with greater independence and who will also, in conjunction with the Head of Careers and myself, provide guidance and advice in choosing, and preparing for, the next stage of your education.

Outside the academic curriculum, there are many opportunities afforded to you at Downside to develop your interests and transferable skills. The PSHEE programme is focused on your life after leaving school, with modules on topics ranging from the aforementioned study skills to making pastry, to conflict avoidance, to managing your finances; the content of this programme is under constant review, and feedback from pupils is always welcome – it is, after all, your programme.

The School Council is an ideal way to have your voice heard, and represents one of the many leadership opportunities available in the Sixth Form at Downside. Whether as an NCO in the CCF, a school or house prefect, a Lectio leader, a captain of a sports team or member of the School Council, the Sixth Form is an opportunity for you to help shape the School for you and for the future.

Sixth Form Subject Choices

Art English Literature Modern Foreign Languages (French, Spanish)
Biology Enterprise and Entrepreneurship (BTEC) Music
Business Environmental Science Physics
Chemistry Geography Politics
Classical Civilisation Greek Product Design
Computer Science History Psychology
Drama & Theatre Mathematics Religious Studies
Economics Further Mathematics Sport (BTEC)

I very much look forward to welcoming you into the Sixth Form at Downside.

Head of Sixth Form

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