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Posted on: 17/08/2020

Congratulations to all our public exam candidates on their achievement this year.  

Head Master Andrew Hobbs commented:

‘This has been an extraordinary year and results day certainly felt very different, with the grades calculated on the basis of Centre Assessment Grades, subsequently moderated by Ofqual’s algorithm. Whilst many received the excellent grades they deserved, and the School’s overall performance improved again, there are certainly anomalous results which do not reflect what we feel some candidates would have achieved and we will be working in the coming days and weeks to have these reviewed and changed.

Whatever results our pupils have achieved, I am full of admiration for the manner in which they have responded to the exceptional challenges of recent months. We are grateful for their contribution during their time at Downside. We will continue to provide whatever support we can, wherever it is needed.   

We wish our leavers every success for the future and we know that they will continue to make a positive difference to the lives of others wherever they are.’

It has taken time to get to the point of knowing the A level grades achieved with any certainty but the figures now stand at A*/A at 58%, A*-B grades at 83%, A*-C at 94%. 

Congratulations to all our Fifth Form pupils on their GCSE results.  

The grades achieved are excellent and reflect the hard work of our pupils and their teachers. 56% of all grades were 9-7 (A/A*) and 98% 9-4 (A-C). This is an improvement on those achieved last year, though comparisons with previous years’ results are of course difficult as the grades have not been awarded in the same way. Our pupils have a very solid foundation on which to build as they move into the Sixth Form, especially having taken the opportunity to begin work on their A level courses during the Summer Term via our Remote Learning Programme.

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