Downside Choral Society
In January 2023, our Head of Academic Music, Mr George Bevan, started a new Downside Choral Society, for parents, staff, OGs and the local community.
Rehearsals are in the Fleischner Theatre every Monday evening from 7.30 – 9.30pm. (Temporarily suspended for this term)
Our first concert will be a performance of Mozart’s Requiem in the Abbey Church on Thursday 30th March 2023, joining with Downside’s own Schola Cantorum and a professional orchestra.
There are no auditions for the choir, and the only requirement is that members should be able to sing roughly the same notes as the person next to them. You don’t need to be able to read music, although of course a willingness to learn as we go along will be welcome. Rehearsals will focus on discovering a joy of singing, whatever your level of experience and ability; you can expect them to be fun, engaging, encouraging and challenging! Rehearsal tracks will be provided for those who need them.
Copies of the music will be provided. Subscriptions for each term will be £30, which will include the music hire and will contribute to the costs of hiring the orchestra for the concert.